How to block Google indexing on WordPress websites?

Chặn Google index WordPress như thế nào

Many people want to block Google from indexing WordPress websites to prevent them from being rated poorly when they have little content. By completing the website before allowing Google to index it, users can ensure a better ranking in search results. This can be easily done by logging in as an admin, selecting “Settings” then “Read,” and ticking the box to prevent search engines from indexing the website. This simple step can greatly benefit website owners in the long run, ensuring that their website is fully developed and optimized before being visible on Google search results.

Welcome back to Have you ever wondered why people choose to block Google from indexing WordPress sites? It may seem counterintuitive at first, as blocking indexing means your website won’t show up in Google search results. But there’s a good reason behind this decision.

When you first create a website, it often lacks substantial content. You may be missing crucial elements like a logo, menu, or important pages such as an introduction or contact page. If Google indexes your site too early, it might not rank well due to this incomplete content.

Many website owners prefer to finish their site before allowing Google to index it. This ensures that the site is fully optimized for search engines, leading to better rankings in the long run.

Now, let me walk you through the process I usually follow to block Google from indexing a WordPress site.

Step 1: Log in to the Admin dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to "Settings" -> "Reading."

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Step 3: Check the box that says "Prevent search engines from indexing this website."


Step 4: Save the changes.

And that’s all there is to it! Blocking Google from indexing can be a strategic move to ensure your site is fully optimized before it appears in search results.

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